Singleton Design Pattern in Kotlin and Java — Made Easy and Simple

Eric Diaz
2 min readJun 30, 2022
As far as we know, Earth is a Singleton.

What is a Singleton?

A Singleton is an object that can only be instantiated once during the life of an application; also known as a “single” instance. This is useful when only one object instance is desired to handle accessing functionality of a class.

How to create a Singleton in Kotlin

Creating a Singleton is quick and easy. simply declare a class using the object keyword.

Kotlin is magic!

How to create a Singleton in Java

You can create a Singleton in 3 easy steps!
1. Define a class with private static member variable to hold the single instance.
2. Define a private constructor to restrict the creation of any other instance of the class.
3. Define a static function that initializes and returns the static member variable. Check if the member variable is null to initialize it.

You can simplify step 3 by using the final keyword when declaring the private static member variable.

That’s it, super simple! You can find the example repository here! Follow me for more coding made simple content!

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